Depression Therapy
Depression can be crippling...
You've have had the thought "What's wrong with me?" You've been wondering where the "spark" has disappeared from in your life. You rarely have an interest in doing things and the pleasure of activities you used to enjoy is no longer present in your daily living. Your energy is at an all-time low, you can't concentrate on anything and you blame yourself and your lack of value for your feelings.
You may also feel weighed down, or that you're living your life in a fog.
You are Normal
The good news is that you are normal. Approximately 10 percent of all Americans will experience a depressive episode every year. Many people with depression view themselves as lazy, unmotivated, or worthless. The truth is that you are not those things, but depression is inhibiting you from being the real you. If you were to get strep throat, would you blame yourself? Of course not! So, why blame yourself, when you have a legitimate medical condition?
One of the major reasons people suffer from depression is that they ask the wrong questions about themselves. Instead of asking "what's wrong with me?", ask "what happened to me?". When one looks at themselves from a place of curiosity versus a place of judgment, there are many doors out of the depression that open up, which were previously closed. Your inner critic is probably a closer friend than you would prefer. Therapy can help shut down that inner critic for good and let in all the goodness and wellness into your life that you deserve.

So How Do I Fix It?
Depression is very treatable. Rest assured that all our clinicians are trained in a variety of evidence-based clinical interventions proven to reduce depression. One modality that has proven very effective in depression therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy. There are many aspects to cognitive behavioral therapy, but one that is particularly effective in treating depression is the aspect of identifying and modifying negative core and intermediate beliefs.
Let's take John as an example of how depression if formed and treated. John grew up in an emotionally abusive household where his every action was criticized and scrutinized. Through this emotional abuse, John began to internalize the words being spoken to him and developed beliefs about himself that he "was not good enough" and "inherently flawed. These beliefs began to secrete in John's day-to-day life, which in turn led to feelings of sadness and eventually clinical depression.
This is where Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other related interventions shine. CBT allows one to reprogram their beliefs about themselves and the world, which will in turn eliminate feelings of depression and increase feelings of happiness. and wellbeing.
What allows these beliefs to be changed is a neurological concept called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity in a nutshell is the principle that the brain and neurons are "plastic" and capable of being changed throughout time. Studies show that once negative self-talk is reduced, and positive self-talk is increased, the brain will actually to an extent rewire itself.
Can you name your 5 greatest strengths?
Many individuals struggling with depression deeply fear this question as deep down they believe they really aren't good at anything. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Every human being is gifted with many strengths and skills. One of therapy's primary goals is to uncover and help the individual utilize those strengths to unlock their hidden potential.
OK, maybe therapy works but there are so many barriers to therapy...
Therapy costs too much.
It’s no secret that therapy is expensive. The Clarity Clinic does accept Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Care Network and Aetna insurances. If your’e not covered, you can check to see if your insurance will provide out of network benefits with a superbill. Therapy is an investment and will change your life. There's no commitment. Taking therapy week by week to make sure it’s worth it to you is complete reasonable and understandable.
Will this be private?
All of our therapists are licensed professionals, who’s livelihoods depend on privacy and secrecy. Unless you present as an immediate threat to yourself or others, your information will be kept private by law.
How do I know if a therapist is the right fit?
We offer free 15 minute consultations to determine if a therapist is the right fit for you. We recommend compiling some questions and concerns that you have to ensure you are making an informed decision when you enter therapy.
But, I don’t have enough time.
For all you working parents, and busy professionals out there time is at a premium. Perhaps, the one benefit of the COVID-19 pandemic was the breakthrough of Telehealth. While in person sessions are ideal due to body language and energy in the room, many studies show that Telehealth is also extremely effective in reducing depressive symptoms.
Still Skeptical? That's OK!
You may still be skeptical about the outcomes still and that’s OK. You can rest assured that all interventions our therapists use for depression therapy are evidence based and heavily researched. One meta analysis found that participants in Cognitive Behavioral therapy saw a moderate reduction in symptoms even after 1 year from the final session. In regards to mindfulness and related interventions, There are over 200 studies that show that mindfulness and other related treatments also significantly reduce stress and depression over an extended period of time.
Feel free to reach out!
If these symptoms sound familiar to you and you'd like to learn more, click below to schedule an appointment, request a free 15-minute consultation or contact us with any additional questions.
Also, feel free to check out our blog below to learn more about depression.